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May 20, 2022 / conservadox

Shabbos meals

This week’s country is Panama, a country whose food has a lot of available ingredients. So I made three Panamanian dishes: rice with pigeon peas and coconut milk*, sancocho (but with vegetarian chicken since we just made the kitchen dairy again) and fried yuca.

The Torah portion is tough; the only food it mentions is grapes (which you can’t pick during the shmitta year, see Lev. 25:5) so I got some grape flavored gatorade. Also, the Haftorah mentions that the Jews were in the land of milk and honey (Jeremiah 32:22) so I made dessert to reflect that: I found some kosher maple fudge(!) at TJ Maxx while shopping for something else, so I added the fudge and some honey to some plantains I already had, and baked them long enough to melt them, to create a kind of plaintains with fudge sauce dish.

*Though I only used a little olive oil instead of the coconut oil the recipe calls for, since I thought that a can of coconut milk was enough coconut-y flavoring.

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